Light-Duty Durability Mileage Accumulation - We test passenger cars, light to heavy duty trucks, and motorcycles using both public roads and automotive proving grounds. We are also ready to conduct your mileage accumulation test program, whether for ten or ten million miles.
Regulatory Requirements
Our durability testing meets regulatory requirements for both engineering analysis and warranty issues.
Customized Data Logging
Log your on-road mileage with either your data logger or ATDS custom solutions
Road Map and Planning
We are able to create a road map for your vehicle certification and durability
Experienced Tier-II Drivers
Vehicles are driven by ATDS Tier-II drivers with over 7 years of driving experience
Heavy-Duty Durability - In addition to our light-duty services, we also offer ballast capabilities for trailers and vehicles. This can range from one setup to a large fleet.